decided to do something a little different. We now offer our
customers an option to give to the needy through direct donations
or through sending flowers to make the homeless feel cared
about. Unlike many charities, you don't exactly know where
your money goes. With our charity, we will give 100% of
your donations (money, flowers, clothes or food) to the homeless
found on the streets who we feel truly need money for survival.
addition, we take proceeds we make from our business and give
it directly to the homeless.
are doing this charity because we realize how lucky we are
to be able to have this website and reach out to many people.
We are in the business to make people feel special and happy
and this includes everyone.
We hope
to make a difference.
of actually donating.
We understand that it is hard to monitor or tell if the donations
were actually given. We believe in honesty and karma. We will
donate 100% the money donated. If you wish us to take a photo
of who we are donating the money to, we can send you back
a photo.
have three options to show your personal care for the world.
DONATION: Donate however much you wish starting from one
dollar. We will donate 100% of the money received and give
it to however number of homeless people you specify. For example,
if you donate one dollar and want to give it to two people,
we will split the one dollar and give it to two people. If
only one person, we will give it to only one person. We will
give this money to the homeless who we believe are truly homeless
and neglected from our society.
are by USD 1. If you wish to add more, enter the amount and
click on update when you review your order.

Direct Donation
USD 1 minimum
DONATION: Purchase however many rose or roses and send
it to the homeless. We will literally take the rose or roses
and give it to the homeless. We will give this money to the
homeless who we believe are truly homeless and neglected from
our society and would be very happy to receive the flower(s).
Each rose costs USD 1. If you wish, we can take a photo of
where your money was sent and send it back to you via email.
are by USD 1. If you wish to add more, enter the amount and
click on update when you review your order.

Rose Donation
USD 5 minimum
TO FOOD & CLOTHES DONATION: If you are uncomfortable
giving money and rather give food or clothes, please specify
how you want the donation to be spent and we will provide
this to the homeless.
are by USD 1. If you wish to add more, enter the amount and
click on update when you review your order.
Food & Clothes Donation
USD 1 minimum
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding donations.
We sincerely want to help those who are in need.
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